Raffles and Races
Reminder to SAVE THE DATE!
FEB 17, 2024
6:00PM - 10:00PM
Please note that if your fees are paid, YOU HAVE ONE ENTRY TICKET (a $100 value) already reserved for you. Your ticket includes dinner and one entry into the reverse raffle with total prizes over $6,000 - and a Grand Prize Payout of around $5,000.
You can also purchase your PLUS ONE ticket. The PLUS ONE ticket is for your significant other, so you can share the event with your Irish Family, and your own family. The PLUS ONE ticket is $50.
The Raffle and Races event will consist of the Reverse Raffle, various raffle baskets, horse races, and other events throughout the evening.
Each team will be responsible for generating one raffle basket for the event, and other sponsorship opportunities are available as well.
Table Sponsors
Horse Race Sponsors
Stage Sponsor
Horse Sponsors
... and other opportunities available.
More information will come out to specific teams with your specific requirements for raffle basket and other things, so please look for information from your coach and the organization as we will do our best to keep you all informed!
This will be a fantastic event, made only better by YOUR PARTICIPATION. The more people there, the more fun for everybody. So SAVE THE DATE NOW!
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