Indoor Facility Usage


A few reminders regarding indoor facility usage.  Please review.

    • No food or drink will be allowed on the turf area.  
    • No gum, chewing tobacco, or sunflower seeds allowed on the turf.
    • Player’s equipment should remain ON the shelving provided along the south wall. Each set of shelves will hold one (1) team’s gear.  Five (5) bags on the top, four(4) in the middle section, and catcher’s bags and/or the remaining bags on the bottom, slid all the way back.  Player’s equipment should not be brought into the training area AND should not be piled on the floor blocking the entry way or the pro shop door.  
    • Players and coaches should use the ORANGE marked entry way into the training area.  
    • Players and coaches should remain out of the pitching lanes while our instructors are conducting pitching lessons. *If the pitching lanes are open and not being used by our instructors, teams may use the lanes for their practices. 
    • Limited equipment is available for use with your rental.  All equipment should be returned to the area it was stored. Crates are labeled for storage of certain equipment. Ensure equipment is back in the correct place so it can be easily found by other teams. 
    • No one should be hanging, pulling, leaning on, or otherwise doing anything with the nets.  The nets are installed in a manner to provide safety to all people in the building. Anything done that could damage the netting should NOT BE DONE.  Players caught hanging on, pulling down on, or otherwise mistreating the nets will be suspended from practice for the remainder of the practice session.
    • When pushing back the "L" screens, do not push the legs through the netting.  This damages, and will tear the nets. That is already happening along the north wall.  Do not push anything through, nor stack anything on the nets.
    • A plyo wall is available for use by teams with PLYO balls only.  DO NOT hit directly into the plyo wall.  
    • Parents or spectators are not allowed to watch from inside the training area.  If a parent or spectator wants to watch your practice, they must watch from inside the Pro Shop, through the windows.  We ask that coaches enforce this so we don’t have to.  The training areas are for players and coaches ONLY.  If the Pro Shop is locked, parents will not be able to remain in the building.  
    • Music is provided as a courtesy. Teams should NOT bring their own music systems. We can take a team’s request as to the type of music desired. However, we reserve the right to change the music at the discretion of our staff if the music is deemed inappropriate, contains foul language, or suggestive content that may be offensive to other participants. The music is streamed and may occasionally pause or quit if there is an internet glitch. Please contact the office staff to change the music, the volume, or restart the music should it stop.  
    • Rental/Usage of TriplePlay training center time lines.  If you rent the facility for 90 minutes (for example), we ask that you complete your training and exit the training area at or before your 90 minutes are up. All teams, should be prepared to end their scheduled practices, clean the area, conduct their post-practice huddle, and be off the training area prior to their 90 minute session ending. The next team will start moving into the training area when you begin your post-practice huddle, so be considerate of the next team.  Do not move your huddle to the entryway doors.  Doors and walkways are for entry and egress of the building and should not be blocked by meetings, bags, or spectators.  
  • At the completion of your scheduled rental or practice, please clean up your area, return all equipment used to the proper storage area, and return the divider nets to the “pushed back” position.  
    • Our staff will conduct a review of the training area at the end of each training session.  There will be a $25 charge added to each rental session if our staff has to clean up the area, including picking up water bottles left in entry way / walk way areas, picking up equipment not returned to storage, or returning nets to the “pushed back” position.  The $25 charge will be deducted from Irish team’s tournament budget.
  • NO Metal Cleats allowed on the turf area.  ALL PLAYERS should carry the shoes they plan to train with into the facility.  We ask that you do not wear your training shoes outside, then come into the facility.  Especially when there is rain or snow outside.  


We used to provide various types of equipment, balls, tees, etc... for practice.  However, multiple things came up missing.  So at this point, you will need to bring your tees and balls to practice.  We may be able to provide, as needed, additional equipment.  However, please plan to bring your miscellaneous equipment. 


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